So this was a very boring week. All I did was work really and see Fame. Went out for drinks last night to a place called Galaxy....or was it Gallery?? Something like that. It was nice, a great lounge with good drinks and atmosphere. But then around 10:45 a DJ appeared and started 'spinning' loud horrible music and we left shortly afterwards. Being driven around London really emphasizes how confusing this city is. The streets just do not make any sense whatsoever. There is no pattern, no grid, nothing. Just random roads and streets everywhere and the street signs are so small and poorly placed that it's almost like an afterthought. Like 'oh, you know, it might be nice to have the names of the streets somewhere. Let's put them up really small on the sides of the buildings on the corner.' Good plan.
The job this week was not great. Pretty horrible in fact. It was at the same place I was at last week but instead of doing research like I did last week, I was contacting hundreds of people across Europe asking them to be part of a database. Essentially telemarketing except I wasn't selling anything. I hated it. And the worst part is I'm apparently really good at it so they asked me to stay until next Wednesday but I had to turn it down. I've worked non-stop for the past three weeks and I haven't had anytime to put into tracking down marketing-related recruitment agencies much less time to go in during the day to register. So I'm hoping to make some headway in that area early next week. The people at this place were really nice though and they've asked me to stay in touch so I'm hoping their hiring freeze gets removed sometime soon so that they can hire me on to do some actual PR work which would be amazing.
Tomorrow is The Party. The Party where I will meet The Man who Killed Dumbledore!!! And it's confirmed that he will definitely be in attendance because he phoned tonight in a panic over what to get my cousin for her bday. Apparently he's going to get her a 'glamorous frock' from some designer and some makeup or something and make up a package for her. I'm trying hard not to be insanely jealous...trying very hard. Anyways, my aunt found out tonight just how excited I am to meet him and she thought it was really cute and said that she would introduce me to him!!!! AAAHHH!!!! Freaking out! And she pointed out that tons of my cousin's friend would probably be completely starstruck so I won't stand out for blatantly staring. Now here is the big question: what does one wear to such a fabulous event in the East End of London??? I don't know!!! I have one dress that's my back up but I feel like I need something crazier and poofier! I might actually get a tutu to wear under the dress to raise the poof level but tomorrow we're going to a retro shop that's apparently like a warehouse full of vintage dresses so I might find something there. So excited for my first vintage shopping experience. Woot woot!!!! I hope I find something massively poofy and purple...with sequins...and strapless...with a bow!!! There must be something like that waiting for me in a shop somewhere.
Anyhoo, that's the plan. Look forward to a full update on Sunday. Also, so jealous that you will all be enjoying a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday and I will not because Brits don't have Thanksgiving. I might buy a smoked turkey leg and make my own version of my mom's stuffing!!!
Nonversation: A conversation wherein nothing is illuminated, explained or otherwise elaborated upon; A word used in the presence of others in reference to a conversation which you either will not or can not admit ever occurred; When people greet each other followed not with a conversation but instead with an awkward silence; The rantings of a random awkward 20-something black girl.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Shame on Fame. Shame I say!
Went to see Fame last night and it was horrendous. What crap. Half way through I had to check my ticket stub to make sure we hadn't accidentally bought tickets to High School Musical VIII or whatever version they're on now. I was so disappointed. I LOVE musicals. LOVE THEM. Even the really cheasy happy musicals like Hairspray (which wasn't actually all that happy what with the whole racism plot line) but this was just pure shite. The movie actually had no point. I kept waiting for the climax and there wasn't one. Even when the credits started rolling, I sat there waiting thinking that there was something else that was going to happen but there wasn't. My aunt said that the original Fame was pretty gritty but this one was Disney....actually wait...was it Disney??? I don't think it was and I'm too lazy to check right now. They had a good lineup of actors playing instructors including the fabulous Debbie Allen and Mr. Kelsey Grammar and what's her face from Will and Grace (Karen), and this black guy who's good. Don't know his name, but he's good. But sadly the instructors were not at all the focus of the movie, it was the teens and they were horrible. Their acting felt like acting, no depth, the characters were poorly developed and it was therefore very difficult to feel any sympathy or empathy towards them. If you were planning on taking your hard earned money and spending it on this film, I recommend you spend it elsewhere. Even just going to McD's would probably be a better investment than wasting 2hrs of your life in a theatre waiting for a plot that will never really develop.
In the theme of movies and movie stars, guess which movie star will be present at my cousin's 21st birthday party on Saturday??!!!!! (hint: he killed one of the greatest wizards who ever lived). SO EXCITED. I've been trying to think of a way to play it supa-cool but still manage to get a pic with him. Even if I could get a pic of me where he's in the background or a pic of him where I'm lurking in the background. I dunno, but I'm gonna find a way to make it work somehow....maybe I'll ask if he's seen Fame and then he's say ' was crap' in his voice that gives me haunting shivers and we'll laugh and chat together about how bad Fame was and form and instant and life-long bond. *sigh* And he'll invite me over for tea and we'll have crumpets and he'll introduce me to Emma Thompson cause I LOVE her and he'll also introduce me to Kate Winslet because she's an acting Goddess. And I'll be their token young black girl friend and we'll live happily ever after! Yes, that sounds like a swell plan! So excited! EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!
In the theme of movies and movie stars, guess which movie star will be present at my cousin's 21st birthday party on Saturday??!!!!! (hint: he killed one of the greatest wizards who ever lived). SO EXCITED. I've been trying to think of a way to play it supa-cool but still manage to get a pic with him. Even if I could get a pic of me where he's in the background or a pic of him where I'm lurking in the background. I dunno, but I'm gonna find a way to make it work somehow....maybe I'll ask if he's seen Fame and then he's say ' was crap' in his voice that gives me haunting shivers and we'll laugh and chat together about how bad Fame was and form and instant and life-long bond. *sigh* And he'll invite me over for tea and we'll have crumpets and he'll introduce me to Emma Thompson cause I LOVE her and he'll also introduce me to Kate Winslet because she's an acting Goddess. And I'll be their token young black girl friend and we'll live happily ever after! Yes, that sounds like a swell plan! So excited! EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
One Month Down, 23 to go!
It was my one month anniversary in London yesterday! I think it's nuts that I've been here for a month already, it still feels like I just got here but then I think back on everything that's happened and ya, it's definitely been a month. And a good month too!!! Can't wait for the next 23. Also can't wait to start travelingggggggg!!!!!! Once this job thing gets a bit more secure or at least once my bank account starts looking relatively healthy, I'm off!! In the meantime I think I'm gonna start doing some country weekend trips in England so I can get to see the British country side. My mom has a cousin that lives in Bath so I think I'll try to head there later this month and then start planning some other trips after that.
Last night I went to this club/lounge called Koko Bar. It started off not too fun cause I got there at the time I planned to meet with my friend and her boyfriend and then they ended up being an hour late because their ride was running late and the club had no coat check so I just sat there in my coat annoyed for an hour. But once they got there and I ditched my coat in their car, it got fun and then funner and then I ended up having a fantastic time! The music was non-stop great. Seriously, every time I sat down for a second to rest my feet, another great song would come on and I would have to get back up and dance. One really interesting thing about the bar is that they played a lot of Nigerian music. Sounds strange, I know, but they were essentially just catering to the audience and I think the DJ was Nigerian as well. I already love Nigerian music cause my dad loves it and used to play it non-stop on our road trips when I was younger. But this music was the more recent stuff from younger artists so it's quite contemporary and fun to dance to. Apparently more and more clubs here are playing Nigerian and African music because there are so many really good artists coming out. I loved it.
At the end of the night, I took the night bus home for the first time. I had considered taking it home last weekend but I just felt super uncomfortable with the idea and ended up cabbing it.This weekend tho, for some reason, I was certain the night bus was the way to go so I planned out my routes and put them in my phone before I went out. I brought along tights and flats to put on so as not to draw attention to what I might or might not be wearing under my coat and I was set. Of course, the stupid website gave me the wrong bus numbers but I've been here long enough now that I know which buses to look out for and which general direction I should be headed in. And the bus drivers and very nice out here (not like at home) so they're generally very helpful. One jolly old black bus driver gave me such precise details last night, I almost asked him for his number so I could phone him up whenever I get lost. Anyhoo, I found my way home without too much trouble, didn't even get on the wrong bus or anything! It took about an hour so I got off the bus just before 4 am and speed walked to my place. It was only about a 2 minute walk from the bus stop but at that hour, I didn't want to be strolling along at a leisurely pace, even though this is a good neighbourhood. I'm really proud of myself for my little nightbus adventure. And I'm excited to think of all the money I'll be saving by not cabbing it home all the time!
Also, great news: I found several brands of Caesar salad dressing AND two different kinds of croutons at Sainsbury's!!! I was thrilled and may or may not have done a little dance in the aisle when I found these items. And this little dance may or may not have caused several people to look at me like I was crazy and a child to hide behind his mother's legs and peer out at me frightened. Anyways, to hell with them, I've had two GIANT chicken Caesar salads in the past two days and they were both delicious!! And today, i just ate some croutons with Caesar dressing! Very delicious. Some of you might be disgusted, but then you must also not be aware of my love of croutons. Now you know. I am so happy I do not have to go another 23 months without a Caesar salad. It doesn't make up for the turkey bacon but I still have to go to that American grocery store to see if they have it. To be honest, I'm putting it off cause I'm scared they don't have it and I really won't have any turkey bacon until one of you nice people send me some (HINT HINT). So I figure if I wait long enough, one of you will have already put some in the post and then if the super market doesn't have any, I won't have to wait too long before my turkey bacon care package arrives :)
Last night I went to this club/lounge called Koko Bar. It started off not too fun cause I got there at the time I planned to meet with my friend and her boyfriend and then they ended up being an hour late because their ride was running late and the club had no coat check so I just sat there in my coat annoyed for an hour. But once they got there and I ditched my coat in their car, it got fun and then funner and then I ended up having a fantastic time! The music was non-stop great. Seriously, every time I sat down for a second to rest my feet, another great song would come on and I would have to get back up and dance. One really interesting thing about the bar is that they played a lot of Nigerian music. Sounds strange, I know, but they were essentially just catering to the audience and I think the DJ was Nigerian as well. I already love Nigerian music cause my dad loves it and used to play it non-stop on our road trips when I was younger. But this music was the more recent stuff from younger artists so it's quite contemporary and fun to dance to. Apparently more and more clubs here are playing Nigerian and African music because there are so many really good artists coming out. I loved it.
At the end of the night, I took the night bus home for the first time. I had considered taking it home last weekend but I just felt super uncomfortable with the idea and ended up cabbing it.This weekend tho, for some reason, I was certain the night bus was the way to go so I planned out my routes and put them in my phone before I went out. I brought along tights and flats to put on so as not to draw attention to what I might or might not be wearing under my coat and I was set. Of course, the stupid website gave me the wrong bus numbers but I've been here long enough now that I know which buses to look out for and which general direction I should be headed in. And the bus drivers and very nice out here (not like at home) so they're generally very helpful. One jolly old black bus driver gave me such precise details last night, I almost asked him for his number so I could phone him up whenever I get lost. Anyhoo, I found my way home without too much trouble, didn't even get on the wrong bus or anything! It took about an hour so I got off the bus just before 4 am and speed walked to my place. It was only about a 2 minute walk from the bus stop but at that hour, I didn't want to be strolling along at a leisurely pace, even though this is a good neighbourhood. I'm really proud of myself for my little nightbus adventure. And I'm excited to think of all the money I'll be saving by not cabbing it home all the time!
Also, great news: I found several brands of Caesar salad dressing AND two different kinds of croutons at Sainsbury's!!! I was thrilled and may or may not have done a little dance in the aisle when I found these items. And this little dance may or may not have caused several people to look at me like I was crazy and a child to hide behind his mother's legs and peer out at me frightened. Anyways, to hell with them, I've had two GIANT chicken Caesar salads in the past two days and they were both delicious!! And today, i just ate some croutons with Caesar dressing! Very delicious. Some of you might be disgusted, but then you must also not be aware of my love of croutons. Now you know. I am so happy I do not have to go another 23 months without a Caesar salad. It doesn't make up for the turkey bacon but I still have to go to that American grocery store to see if they have it. To be honest, I'm putting it off cause I'm scared they don't have it and I really won't have any turkey bacon until one of you nice people send me some (HINT HINT). So I figure if I wait long enough, one of you will have already put some in the post and then if the super market doesn't have any, I won't have to wait too long before my turkey bacon care package arrives :)
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