Friday, October 9, 2009


So this was a very boring week. All I did was work really and see Fame. Went out for drinks last night to a place called Galaxy....or was it Gallery?? Something like that. It was nice, a great lounge with good drinks and atmosphere. But then around 10:45 a DJ appeared and started 'spinning' loud horrible music and we left shortly afterwards. Being driven around London really emphasizes how confusing this city is. The streets just do not make any sense whatsoever. There is no pattern, no grid, nothing. Just random roads and streets everywhere and the street signs are so small and poorly placed that it's almost like an afterthought. Like 'oh, you know, it might be nice to have the names of the streets somewhere. Let's put them up really small on the sides of the buildings on the corner.' Good plan.

The job this week was not great. Pretty horrible in fact. It was at the same place I was at last week but instead of doing research like I did last week, I was contacting hundreds of people across Europe asking them to be part of a database. Essentially telemarketing except I wasn't selling anything. I hated it. And the worst part is I'm apparently really good at it so they asked me to stay until next Wednesday but I had to turn it down. I've worked non-stop for the past three weeks and I haven't had anytime to put into tracking down marketing-related recruitment agencies much less time to go in during the day to register. So I'm hoping to make some headway in that area early next week. The people at this place were really nice though and they've asked me to stay in touch so I'm hoping their hiring freeze gets removed sometime soon so that they can hire me on to do some actual PR work which would be amazing.

Tomorrow is The Party. The Party where I will meet The Man who Killed Dumbledore!!! And it's confirmed that he will definitely be in attendance because he phoned tonight in a panic over what to get my cousin for her bday. Apparently he's going to get her a 'glamorous frock' from some designer and some makeup or something and make up a package for her. I'm trying hard not to be insanely jealous...trying very hard. Anyways, my aunt found out tonight just how excited I am to meet him and she thought it was really cute and said that she would introduce me to him!!!! AAAHHH!!!! Freaking out! And she pointed out that tons of my cousin's friend would probably be completely starstruck so I won't stand out for blatantly staring. Now here is the big question: what does one wear to such a fabulous event in the East End of London??? I don't know!!! I have one dress that's my back up but I feel like I need something crazier and poofier! I might actually get a tutu to wear under the dress to raise the poof level but tomorrow we're going to a retro shop that's apparently like a warehouse full of vintage dresses so I might find something there. So excited for my first vintage shopping experience. Woot woot!!!! I hope I find something massively poofy and purple...with sequins...and strapless...with a bow!!! There must be something like that waiting for me in a shop somewhere.

Anyhoo, that's the plan. Look forward to a full update on Sunday. Also, so jealous that you will all be enjoying a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday and I will not because Brits don't have Thanksgiving. I might buy a smoked turkey leg and make my own version of my mom's stuffing!!!


Laur said...

I say we set up a skype video conference call so I can see severus in person. i am sooooo excited for you.
I will be patiently awaiting your update.!!!

mich said...

i am very excited and an equal amount envious of who you are meeting tonight. would you feel awkward going up to him and say "hi, my half brown friend wanted me to give you this" and then kissing him on the cheek? too much? lol....have sooo much fun tonight! i'm really a bit worried about your new love for poof and sequins and bows...but i'm so proud! have a fabulous time at the party and THE MINUTE YOU GET HOME WE WANT AN UPDATE! i'm sure lauren agrees!

mich said...

please also tell him i loved him in die hard. okay that's all! lol.