Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shame on Fame. Shame I say!

Went to see Fame last night and it was horrendous. What crap. Half way through I had to check my ticket stub to make sure we hadn't accidentally bought tickets to High School Musical VIII or whatever version they're on now. I was so disappointed. I LOVE musicals. LOVE THEM. Even the really cheasy happy musicals like Hairspray (which wasn't actually all that happy what with the whole racism plot line) but this was just pure shite. The movie actually had no point. I kept waiting for the climax and there wasn't one. Even when the credits started rolling, I sat there waiting thinking that there was something else that was going to happen but there wasn't. My aunt said that the original Fame was pretty gritty but this one was Disney....actually wait...was it Disney??? I don't think it was and I'm too lazy to check right now. They had a good lineup of actors playing instructors including the fabulous Debbie Allen and Mr. Kelsey Grammar and what's her face from Will and Grace (Karen), and this black guy who's good. Don't know his name, but he's good. But sadly the instructors were not at all the focus of the movie, it was the teens and they were horrible. Their acting felt like acting, no depth, the characters were poorly developed and it was therefore very difficult to feel any sympathy or empathy towards them. If you were planning on taking your hard earned money and spending it on this film, I recommend you spend it elsewhere. Even just going to McD's would probably be a better investment than wasting 2hrs of your life in a theatre waiting for a plot that will never really develop.

In the theme of movies and movie stars, guess which movie star will be present at my cousin's 21st birthday party on Saturday??!!!!! (hint: he killed one of the greatest wizards who ever lived). SO EXCITED. I've been trying to think of a way to play it supa-cool but still manage to get a pic with him. Even if I could get a pic of me where he's in the background or a pic of him where I'm lurking in the background. I dunno, but I'm gonna find a way to make it work somehow....maybe I'll ask if he's seen Fame and then he's say 'Yes...it was crap' in his voice that gives me haunting shivers and we'll laugh and chat together about how bad Fame was and form and instant and life-long bond. *sigh* And he'll invite me over for tea and we'll have crumpets and he'll introduce me to Emma Thompson cause I LOVE her and he'll also introduce me to Kate Winslet because she's an acting Goddess. And I'll be their token young black girl friend and we'll live happily ever after! Yes, that sounds like a swell plan! So excited! EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee!


mich said...

SO JEALOUS! have fun and tell him hi from your 'adorable half-brown friend' from Canada! lol.

Laur said...

Tell him you're white friend, married to a brown dude also says hi and that she loves him!
OMG i cannot believe this! Me and Katty are going to freak out if you get a picture!