Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Month Down, 23 to go!

It was my one month anniversary in London yesterday! I think it's nuts that I've been here for a month already, it still feels like I just got here but then I think back on everything that's happened and ya, it's definitely been a month. And a good month too!!! Can't wait for the next 23. Also can't wait to start travelingggggggg!!!!!! Once this job thing gets a bit more secure or at least once my bank account starts looking relatively healthy, I'm off!! In the meantime I think I'm gonna start doing some country weekend trips in England so I can get to see the British country side. My mom has a cousin that lives in Bath so I think I'll try to head there later this month and then start planning some other trips after that.

Last night I went to this club/lounge called Koko Bar. It started off not too fun cause I got there at the time I planned to meet with my friend and her boyfriend and then they ended up being an hour late because their ride was running late and the club had no coat check so I just sat there in my coat annoyed for an hour. But once they got there and I ditched my coat in their car, it got fun and then funner and then I ended up having a fantastic time! The music was non-stop great. Seriously, every time I sat down for a second to rest my feet, another great song would come on and I would have to get back up and dance. One really interesting thing about the bar is that they played a lot of Nigerian music. Sounds strange, I know, but they were essentially just catering to the audience and I think the DJ was Nigerian as well. I already love Nigerian music cause my dad loves it and used to play it non-stop on our road trips when I was younger. But this music was the more recent stuff from younger artists so it's quite contemporary and fun to dance to. Apparently more and more clubs here are playing Nigerian and African music because there are so many really good artists coming out. I loved it.

At the end of the night, I took the night bus home for the first time. I had considered taking it home last weekend but I just felt super uncomfortable with the idea and ended up cabbing it.This weekend tho, for some reason, I was certain the night bus was the way to go so I planned out my routes and put them in my phone before I went out. I brought along tights and flats to put on so as not to draw attention to what I might or might not be wearing under my coat and I was set. Of course, the stupid website gave me the wrong bus numbers but I've been here long enough now that I know which buses to look out for and which general direction I should be headed in. And the bus drivers and very nice out here (not like at home) so they're generally very helpful. One jolly old black bus driver gave me such precise details last night, I almost asked him for his number so I could phone him up whenever I get lost. Anyhoo, I found my way home without too much trouble, didn't even get on the wrong bus or anything! It took about an hour so I got off the bus just before 4 am and speed walked to my place. It was only about a 2 minute walk from the bus stop but at that hour, I didn't want to be strolling along at a leisurely pace, even though this is a good neighbourhood. I'm really proud of myself for my little nightbus adventure. And I'm excited to think of all the money I'll be saving by not cabbing it home all the time!

Also, great news: I found several brands of Caesar salad dressing AND two different kinds of croutons at Sainsbury's!!! I was thrilled and may or may not have done a little dance in the aisle when I found these items. And this little dance may or may not have caused several people to look at me like I was crazy and a child to hide behind his mother's legs and peer out at me frightened. Anyways, to hell with them, I've had two GIANT chicken Caesar salads in the past two days and they were both delicious!! And today, i just ate some croutons with Caesar dressing! Very delicious. Some of you might be disgusted, but then you must also not be aware of my love of croutons. Now you know. I am so happy I do not have to go another 23 months without a Caesar salad. It doesn't make up for the turkey bacon but I still have to go to that American grocery store to see if they have it. To be honest, I'm putting it off cause I'm scared they don't have it and I really won't have any turkey bacon until one of you nice people send me some (HINT HINT). So I figure if I wait long enough, one of you will have already put some in the post and then if the super market doesn't have any, I won't have to wait too long before my turkey bacon care package arrives :)



mich said...

congrats on finding caesar dressing...also...i don't think that sending you turkey bacon would work...what on earth would someone send it in so it would still be edible when you get it?

Laur said...

Congrats on one month!!
And, I seriously thought about sending turkey bacon but I too must agree with Michelle. I do not think you want mouldy meat products arriving as your first care package...and, would customs even let us ship meat?

Delly said...

Ladies, fed ex delivers over night. YEs, it's a bit more expensive but turkey bacon is light and compact, easy to ship. It would stay fine over night and think how good you would feel the next day when you know i'm over here eating turkey bacon and it's all because of you!