5 - That there will be lots of foreign bugs everywhere...even in my bed
4 - That London will be smelly...like a faint odor of vomit hanging over the city
3 - That all the water will taste funny and I won't be able to afford bottled water
2 - That I will get fat
1 - That all British people will take an immediate and strong dislike to me, not because of anything I say or do but just from the look of me. Ex. they'll look at me and say "You know, I don't like the look of that one..."
The bugs are ok- it's the pigeons you need to worry about!
London doesn't smell, but there are no garbage cans anywhere and they don't recycle.
YOu're gonna love it!!
The pigeons are pretty intense. And they are not scared of people, I almost stepped on one! It doesn't smell, thank God and they do recycle. My aunt showed me the recycling today, it's the blue bags. Not sure what they do with them but apparently a system exists.
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