Thursday, September 3, 2009

The plane ride

I had originally wanted to book a first class ticket so that I wouldn't have to spend 7 hrs in the air scrunched up in a ball in coach, but then after noticing the thousands of dollars difference in price, I decided coach is good enough for me. Turns out coach is actually pretty great! The plane was massive, I'm sad I forgot to take pictures (be patient, I'm new to the blogging thing). It had a row of two seats along either side of the plane and then a row of three seats down the middle. The first class and business class sections were ridiculous. First class had actual beds, I was jealous but I just don't have first class kind of money.

The plane ride was good though. I started reading I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb and it's got me hooked. I tried to sleep but I really couldn't very well. The highlight of my plane ride occurred before the plane even took off: this flight attendant was walking down the aisle like they do before take off, just making sure that everyone is seated and closing the overhead compartments. I was sitting in the very last row on the aisle of the middle row. So the flight attendant is coming towards the back and this older lady three seats up from me in the centre waves a plastic bag at him. It looked like garbage. The flight attendant smiles jokingly and makes an "eww yuck" face and shakes his head as he walks by. Then after he's passed her he turns and asks "what did you want me to do with that?". The woman then throws the bag AT THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT and says "throw it out". The bag missed the flight attendant and nearly hit the the woman across the aisle from me. I distinctly heard the flight attendant say "stupid b$%*" as he bent down to pick up the bag.

The lady across the aisle from me looked at me and we couldn't help snickering. It was just so ridiculous, as if the lady threw a bag of garbage at the flight attendant. So funny!

The only bad thing about the flight was the dumbass infront of me who reclined his seat as soon as the plane took off. He was about 5'4 and clearly did not need any extra leg room but he still opted to recline his seat all the way back, forcing me to do the same. His wife looked back at me when he reclined his seat and I shot her such a dirty look that she did a double take. She actually kept glancing back at me periodically through out the flight and I kept looking right back at her. But she didn't seem to clue into why I was giving her the looks. Kinda funny actually. I caught her looking at me in the customs line too. Hehe! I know I'm mean but looking back it was pretty hilarious.

All in all, a great experience!

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