Friday, December 4, 2009

Tooting on the Tube

I've noticed that some people think it's ok to toot on a full tube. It's not. It's not even a little ok. When like 100 people are packed into one compartment and no one can move and everyone is trying not to make eye contact with the person whose face is just inches from theirs, this is not the time to ADD to the extreme discomfort by tooting. Especially if you know your toots are deadly. Hold that shiz in!!!

This evening on the tube an older man was sitting next to me, though there was one empty seat between us and he was asleep. He was snoring a little and then he suddenly let our the Mother of All Toots. I'm talking loud and extended. I actually jumped then turned to stare as it went on and on and on. Seriously, with all that air inside of him, I'm surprised he wasn't floating. He continued to sleep, not knowing how he had shocked the other passengers so deeply. Luckily there was no scent, or at least it didn't reach me. But it was hilarious. I totally started laughing cause HOW FUNNY IS THAT?! You had to have heard it cause it went on forever. By far the highlight of my week.

My weekend plans? Nothing. This stupid freaking weather has ruined my plans way too many times. I'm not going to give it another chance. Instead I will plan to spend my weekends indoors and so no plans can be ruined. Ha! Take that weather!!! I will spend the next couple months' weekends catching up on my reading, seeing the occasional play or movie and trying out wondrous new recipes. This weekend I'm not sure what I'm making yet. I'm contemplating trying for some goat water or 'mannish water' as the Jamaicans call it. Also thinking I might do some fish. Mmmmm, fish. And I'm thinking wraps with chicken, goat's cheese and various pestos for my lunches next week. Tasty!!! I forgot how much I LOVE experimenting with wraps.

I'm also contemplating swimming as a fitness routine. Maybe an hour two or three times a week. I just need to buy one of those caps for my hair because we all know I will NOT be dunking my hair under water three times a week any time soon. Anways, apparently it's the best exercise there is because it literally works every single muscle in your body. So either I swim or I do the 'swimming' Pilates exercise on my mat for an hour. Either way, I will become more fit. Cause so far, I've miraculously managed not to put on weight, or at least only put on two or three pounds then drop it right away, but that luck may run out now that it's Christmas. Time to buckle down!!!

1 comment:

Laur said...

hahahhaha. That is hilarious and also strange.
I'm not sure why people would think that was okay. Maybe, he wasn't really sleeping but rather really embarrassed and that's why he pretended to sleep. However, i don't pretend to know what creepy tube riders are thinking so for all we know he enjoys letting one go on a crowded tube.