Friday, September 25, 2009

New hair!

It's official: big curly hair has hit London!!! I went for the Vanessa Hudgens look but with more bangs and I am loving it!!

Today was the last day of The Job from Hell. The people were really nice but I didn't really fraternize much cause I hated the job so. It's funny, they kept apologizing to me for how terrible the work was and I kept saying 'no, it's fine!'. But in my head I was like 'Kill me, kill me now!'. They even invited me to come to the pub with them after work today but I said that I couldn't. I could have but they remind me of the work and I need to wipe this experience from my mind. And the recruitment agency asked me to come back next Mon-Wed and I said no thank you. I know I could use the money but if the choice is between money or my will to live, I choose my will to live.

My older cousins and their oldest daughter are all away for the weekend. It's just me and my 15 year old cousin here. I adore her, she's so fantastic. Very mature, very artsy/folky/rock. I actually wish I could have been like her when I was 15. She has a bunch of friends over right now and they're downstairs drinking and such. Very chill, very British. I kinda wanna go hang out but I don't wanna crash. I chatted for a bit, asked them not to smoke anything in the house and ensured the boys weren't spending the night. Holy crap! One of the girls is puking in the bathroom! Oh to be a teen again. Crap, that sounds bad. Better go make sure she's ok...


Kenton Larsen said...

Nice hair! Looks just like mine...har, har.

Anonymous said...

Um, am I missing somethin? Where's the new hair photo?
