Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why Fried Food is Bad for You

I just very nearly burned down the kitchen. It was terrifying, I'm still very shaky from the incident and I think I need to go lie down. I was making my dinner, fried plantain and these turkey rasher things which are the UK's answer to turkey bacon (they were crap, nothing even close to bacon). So, I've finished frying the plantain and the oil is very hot. I put it on a cool burner to cool off so that I can dump it in the garbage and use the same pan to make my rashers. I clean up a bit, watch a little Friends, which I have playing on my laptop. 15 minutes goes by and the oil is still really hot and my plantains are cooling off so I need to cook my rashers asap so that I can eat. So I decide to just put a bit of cold water in the oil to help cool it off. Makes sense, right? Good plan, right?

Wrong. Not just a little wrong. Unbelievably, mindblowingly wrong.

I open the tap a bit and put the frying pan under it. It immediately starts to sizzle. Excellent, I think, it's...POP POP ZZZZZ POP PIP PIPLE! Didn't even get to finish my thought before the oil started exploding out of the frying pan and all over the kitchen!!!! I nearly shat right then and there. I quickly returned the frying pan to the cool stove, ducking and dodging the flying hot oil, and then run to the door way to watch helplessly as the oil continues to bubble and pop and explode sending hot oil everywhere! I was in shock I think, all I remember is silence except for the popping and sizzling. Then slowly I hear laughing in the background and realize my laptop is still on the table, within range of the oil. I run and grab it, and my cell phone and go back to the door way. The popping oil continued for a full minute, at least! When it finally started to settle down, I started to make my way back into the kitchen and then POP, another large explosion sending oil everywhere again. Seriously, I thought that something was going to catch on fire and that I would stand there and have to watch as the kitchen burned down.

About three minutes after that last scary pop, I went back in to survey the damage. Oil was everywhere. My cousins went out to the country yesterday and are due back today so I kept imagine them walking in at that very second and I was freaking out! I grabbed a cloth and started cleaning like a mad woman. It took me about 40 minutes to clean everything up. 40 minutes imagining I heard a key in the doorway or the gate squeak open.

It is now nearly two hours later and I'm done eating and my heart is still pounding. The kitchen reeks of oil and the floor is a bit streaky looking but aside from that, everything looks fine. I still can not believe that happened. Scariest thing to happen since I've been here. Possibly scariest thing to happen to me ever. Funny thing is I hardly ever eat fried foods and I rarely fry things myself. After this I may never fry anything ever again. Except I love fried plantain and my mom isn't here to fry them for me, and plantains are so readily available here............k, well I'll still fry plantain...but that's it!!!


Laur said...

Well, at least it's another adventure! But my god! Did you get hit with any of the flying oil? Did it hurt?
On another note, I am very happy to hear you made it to a pub already...not so bad right? Right?
Also, my sister wants to know if you met Severus yet?

Audra said...

Delly, Delly, Delly... haven't you heard the cliché "Oil and water don't mix"?
Looks like you're going to have to add Turkey Bacon to the list of things you need MCG to send you!
Glad you're posting your adventures. (More photos!)